You may cancel your subscription to Visual Crossing Weather Data at any time through the Visual Crossing Weather Data Services page.
When cancelling your subscription, your current plan will be available until the end of the current subscription period.
You may restart your subscription or change plans at any time.
How to cancel using the Visual Crossing Weather Data Services Page
1. Open the Visual Crossing Weather Data Services page.
2. Log in to your account using the email account associated with the subscription you would like to cancel.
3. Hit the ‘Account’ button
4. Your account details will be displayed.
5. In the ‘Your Subscription’ section, click the Cancel button.
If you have any questions or problems
If you have any questions or problems cancelling your subscription as described above, please reach out to our Support Team. Make sure to include the email address associated with the account, and we’ll be glad to help you resolve the issue.
When contacting us for cancellation-related issues, please allow three business days before the end of your current subscription period to avoid undesired charges.