How to use weather forecasts to manage visual marketing and inventory

How to use weather forecasts to manage visual marketing and inventory

Use case: Manage the displays and local advertising for a chain of shoe stores based on weather forecasts. Ever since the inception of the retail trade, retailers have been using visual marketing techniques such as window displays, shelf layout and end-caps to entice customers. Intelligently managed product displays can attract customers into the store and …

Using Historical Weather Data to Investigate the Climate Change impact on Hurricane Barry

Using Historical Weather Data to Investigate the Climate Change impact on Hurricane Barry

As we near the end of the 2019 hurricane season, we look back on Hurricane Barry. As the first hurricane of the season, Hurricane Barry, was a relatively small storm and not nearly as impactful as some that came later. However, understanding it can give us a better understanding of the short-term and long-term impacts …

Announcing Real-Time Historical Weather Data Using the MADIS Observational Weather Database

Announcing Real-Time Historical Weather Data Using the MADIS Observational Weather Database

We are pleased to announce that the Visual Crossing Weather History Database now includes real-time weather observations. You can now get up-to-the-minute weather history data including temperature, rainfall, wind, humidity and heat index if you are using the Weather API, downloading historical weather data or using reports and dashboards. MADIS observation weather database The MADIS data feed is the primary source …

Guest blog: Your Wedding Weather – How to use weather history to plan your wedding day

Guest blog: Your Wedding Weather - How to use weather history to plan your wedding day

In this guest blog, Wedding Planner Falade Kunle Tom describes how to incorporate historical weather information into your wedding planning It’s over 5 years now that I have been handling events for various clients, especially wedding events. From experience, it is easy to have control over a number of things that include the guest list, …

Using Microsoft Excel to Analyze Gardening Weather – Part 3, Growing Degree Days

Create a Growing Degree Days Calculator in Microsoft Excel

PART 3 – CREATE A GROWING DEGREE DAYS CALCULATOR USING HISTORICAL AND FORECAST WEATHER DATA Download the free Degree Day Excel workbook (no add-in required) Learn more In our previous gardening weather blog, we have learned how to use Microsoft Excel to analyze the historical and forecast weather data of a location. We can now identify the …

Precipitation coverage is the most important weather metric you don’t know

Precipitation coverage is the most important weather metric you don't know

Precipitation Coverage is a metric commonly encountered in weather data yet its meaning is often misunderstood. In this post I will discuss the differences and similarities between Precipitation and Precipitation Coverage, and how to gain significant additional value from using Precipitation Coverage in your own analysis. Precipitation Before discussing Precipitation Coverage, it is important to …

Using Microsoft Excel to Analyze Gardening Weather and Climate – Part 2


PART 2 – CREATING AN MICROSOFT EXCEL GARDENING WEATHER FORECAST In our previous gardening weather blog, we set up a Microsoft Excel workbook that displays a summary of the historical weather information for a location targeted towards the gardener. With the historical Excel workbook, we can understand the climate that they can expect for a particular …