Bulk weather forecast data retrieval for multiple locations

Visual Crossing provides the ability to retrieve up to 16 day forecasts for any world wide location based on address, zipcode/postcode or latitude and longitude. In this article we discuss how to retrieve the full weather forecast for multiple locations in a single request. This makes it easy to import weather forecast information for many …

How We Process the NOAA Integrated Surface Database Historical Weather Data

How We Process the NOAA Integrated Surface Database Historical Weather Data

We use a lot of sources for our weather data. One of the richest sources of historical weather data is the Integrated Surface Database (ISD) from NOAA. The amount of data available is impressive. Hourly or sub-hourly weather records for 1000s of weather stations that are, in some cases, over 100 years old. However obtaining and manipulating …

Using Microsoft Excel to Analyze Gardening Weather – Part 3, Growing Degree Days

Create a Growing Degree Days Calculator in Microsoft Excel

PART 3 – CREATE A GROWING DEGREE DAYS CALCULATOR USING HISTORICAL AND FORECAST WEATHER DATA Download the free Degree Day Excel workbook (no add-in required) Learn more In our previous gardening weather blog, we have learned how to use Microsoft Excel to analyze the historical and forecast weather data of a location. We can now identify the …

Using Microsoft Excel to Analyze Gardening Weather and Climate – Part 2


PART 2 – CREATING AN MICROSOFT EXCEL GARDENING WEATHER FORECAST In our previous gardening weather blog, we set up a Microsoft Excel workbook that displays a summary of the historical weather information for a location targeted towards the gardener. With the historical Excel workbook, we can understand the climate that they can expect for a particular …