The Easiest Weather API

Query Global Weather Data API for Free

Integrate weather into your applications with the easiest-to-use global weather API including historical weather data, current conditions, up-to-date forecasts, and historical forecast information. 

Try our single-endpoint forecast and weather history API for free to see why more businesses, developers, and analysts choose Visual Crossing.

Use The Best Weather API For Free

Historical Weather

Correlate existing business data with over 50 years of historical weather reports for every location on the Earth.

Forecast & Current Conditions

Schedule your activities and your business using current weather data and our global blended 15-day forecast.

Historical Forecast

Gain insight into customer behavior using the exact forecast that your customers saw on the day that they make their plans.

Statistical Forecast

Understand future weather conditions beyond the 15-day model-based forecast using statistical patterns and climate normals.

Weather Data for Every Application and Use Case

Integrate weather data into your business by building an application or analyzing how weather correlates with existing data using nearly 100 advanced weather elements covering the entire globe.

Core Elements

Use weather measures such as temperature, precipitation, wind, humidity, UV Index, and more for all of you weather analysis needs.

Solar Energy

Understand how solar radiation conditions such as GHR, sun elevation, and diffuse radiation affect energy production from the sun.


Manage your agricultural activities using advanced elements such as soil temperature, soil moisture, and evapotranspiration.

Wind Energy

Analyze wind speed and directions at heights from 10 meters to 100 meters for use in wind power projects and aviation.


Plan activities on the shore and at sea including surfing and shipping using wave height and swell conditions.

Air Quality

Monitor the air quality conditions in any location to see how they affect human health, livestock, or sensitive equipment

Degree Days

Calculate how heating and cooling periods affect farm and garden planting, sowing, growing, harvesting, HVAC planning and more.


Track sunrise, sunset, phases of the moon, and more for use in planning outdoor activities such as hunting, fishing, and stargazing.


Receive severe weather alerts for impending
storms, floods, and other important weather

The only Weather API that you need for forecast & historical data

Single API Call

A single API query returns historical weather data, current weather conditions, weather forecasts, and climate normals

Sub-hourly, Hourly and Daily Data

Our database stores billions of records containing Sub-hourly, Hourly and Daily Forecasts, and historical records for the entire globe

Ground stations, Satellites & RADAR

Our Weather Engine finds the most accurate weather reports calculated based on over 100,000 weather stations, satellites, high resolution RADAR, and more to provide the best weather API available

50+ Years of Historical Weather Data

Hourly forecasts, daily forecasts, historical data, historical forecasts, and more are available for any location in the world over the past 50 years

CSV and JSON Results

Although other weather APIs limit output formats, our Weather Engine provides both rich JSON output and universal CSV formats for easy use in any application including Excel and Google Sheets

Full location address geocoding

Access the weather data for any geo location using an address, ZIP code, city name, or latitude/longitude

Start today for free

Sign up for our free Weather API now and see why businesses, developers, and analysts choose Visual Crossing.

Fetch Historical Weather Data and Weather Forecast Data Using Sample API Queries

Below are some sample forecast and historical weather API queries. To run these queries, simply insert your API Key into the URL and copy the query into any web browser or your own code. If you want to build your own queries interactively, visit our web-based query builder where you can customize your own query using our interface.
15-day weather forecast (US units, JSON output)
Last seven days hourly historical Data (Metric Units, JSON output)
Historical data between two dates (Metric Units, JSON output)
Daily historical data between two dates (Metric Units, CSV output)
JSON Results
"queryCost": 1,
"latitude": 51.5064,
"longitude": -0.12721,
"resolvedAddress": "London, England, United Kingdom",
"address": "London,UK",
"timezone": "Europe/London",
"tzoffset": 1,
"description": "Similar temperatures continuing with a chance of rain Friday, Monday & Tuesday.",
"days": [
"datetime": "2023-05-02",
"datetimeEpoch": 1682982000,
"tempmax": 58.2,
"tempmin": 47.6,
"temp": 53,
"feelslikemax": 58.2,
"feelslikemin": 43.9,
"feelslike": 52.3,
"dew": 44.7,
"humidity": 74.1,
"precip": 0,
"precipprob": 0,
"precipcover": 0,
"preciptype": [
"snow": 0,
"snowdepth": 0,
"windgust": 19.9,
"windspeed": 15,
"winddir": 86.4,
"pressure": 1026.1,
"cloudcover": 75.2,
"visibility": 6.6,
"solarradiation": 108.7,
"solarenergy": 9.2,
"uvindex": 6,
"severerisk": 10,
"sunrise": "05:31:11",
"sunriseEpoch": 1683001871,
"sunset": "20:25:02",
"sunsetEpoch": 1683055502,
"moonphase": 0.39,
"conditions": "Partially cloudy",
"description": "Partly cloudy throughout the day.",
"icon": "partly-cloudy-day",
"stations": [
"source": "comb",
"hours": [
          "datetime": "00:00:00",
          "datetimeEpoch": 1682982000,
          "temp": 54.9,
          "feelslike": 54.9,
          "humidity": 70.72,
          "dew": 45.6,
          "precip": 0,
          "precipprob": 0,
          "snow": 0,
          "snowdepth": 0,
          "preciptype": [
          "windgust": 8.3,
          "windspeed": 5.1,
          "winddir": 320,
          "pressure": 1022,
          "visibility": 6.2,
          "cloudcover": 0,
          "solarradiation": 0,
          "solarenergy": null,
          "uvindex": 0,
          "severerisk": 10,
          "conditions": "Clear",
          "icon": "clear-night",
          "stations": [
          "source": "obs"
        "alerts": [],
        "stations": {
        "EGWU": {
        "distance": 20850,
        "latitude": 51.55,
        "longitude": -0.42,
        "useCount": 0,
        "id": "EGWU",
        "name": "EGWU",
        "quality": 50,
        "contribution": 0
        "currentConditions": {
        "datetime": "22:26:00",
        "datetimeEpoch": 1683062760,
        "temp": 48.5,
        "feelslike": 44.1,
        "humidity": 76.6,
        "dew": 41.5,
        "precip": 0,
        "precipprob": 0,
        "snow": 0,
        "snowdepth": 0,
        "preciptype": null,
        "windgust": null,
        "windspeed": 10.3,
        "winddir": 100,
        "pressure": 1028.7,
        "visibility": 6.2,
        "cloudcover": 36.8,
        "solarradiation": 0,
        "solarenergy": null,
        "uvindex": 0,
        "conditions": "Partially cloudy",
        "icon": "partly-cloudy-night",
        "stations": [
        "source": "obs",
        "sunrise": "05:31:11",
        "sunriseEpoch": 1683001871,
        "sunset": "20:25:02",
        "sunsetEpoch": 1683055502,
        "moonphase": 0.39
CSV Results
"London, England, United Kingdom",2023-05-02T00:00:00,54.9,54.9,45.6,70.72,0,0,rain,0,0,8.3,5.1,320,1022,0,6.2,0,,0,10,Clear,clear-night,"EGWU,EGLL,EGLC"
"London, England, United Kingdom",2023-05-02T01:00:00,53.1,53.1,45.9,76.46,0,0,,0,0,5.6,4.9,306,1022,25.8,6.2,0,,0,10,Partially cloudy,partly-cloudy-night,"EGWU,EGLL,EGLC"
"London, England, United Kingdom",2023-05-02T02:00:00,51.7,51.7,46.7,82.93,0,0,,0,0,6,4.9,307,1022.8,24.8,6.2,0,,0,10,Partially cloudy,partly-cloudy-night,"EGWU,EGLL,EGLC"
"London, England, United Kingdom",2023-05-02T03:00:00,51,51,47.1,86.37,0,0,,0,0,4.7,5.2,10,1023,88,6.2,0,,0,10,Partially cloudy,partly-cloudy-night,"EGWU,EGLL,EGLC"
"London, England, United Kingdom",2023-05-02T04:00:00,50.7,50.7,47.4,88.49,0,0,,0,0,5.8,3.5,13,1023.8,97.8,6.2,0,,0,10,Overcast,cloudy,"EGWU,EGLL,EGLC"
"London, England, United Kingdom",2023-05-02T05:00:00,51,51,47.4,87.44,0,0,,0,0,9.2,4.1,18,1024,100,6.2,0,,0,10,Overcast,cloudy,"EGWU,EGLL,EGLC"
"London, England, United Kingdom",2023-05-02T06:00:00,51,51,46.3,83.9,0,0,,0,0,11.6,8.6,47,1024.6,100,6.2,9,0,0,10,Overcast,cloudy,"EGWU,EGLL,D5621,EGLC"
"London, England, United Kingdom",2023-05-02T07:00:00,49.9,46.7,46.3,87.38,0,0,,0,0,13.9,7.9,56,1025.6,97.5,6.2,23,0.1,0,10,Overcast,cloudy,"EGWU,EGLL,D5621,EGLC"
"London, England, United Kingdom",2023-05-02T08:00:00,51.7,51.7,46.3,81.74,0,0,,0,0,15.2,8.3,66,1025.8,97.5,6.2,60,0.2,1,10,Overcast,cloudy,"EGWU,EGLL,D5621,EGLC"
"London, England, United Kingdom",2023-05-02T09:00:00,51.7,51.7,46.6,82.75,0,0,,0,0,16.1,8.5,76,1026,97.5,6.2,97,0.3,1,10,Overcast,cloudy,"EGWU,EGLL,D5621,EGLC"
"London, England, United Kingdom",2023-05-02T10:00:00,52.1,52.1,47,82.78,0,0,,0,0,16.3,9.9,90,1026.6,97.5,6.2,97,0.3,1,10,Overcast,cloudy,"EGWU,EGLL,D5621,EGLC"
"London, England, United Kingdom",2023-05-02T11:00:00,53.2,53.2,45.2,74.29,0,0,,0,0,17.4,10.9,102,1027.6,97.5,6.2,167,0.6,2,10,Overcast,cloudy,"EGWU,EGLL,D5621,EGLC"
"London, England, United Kingdom",2023-05-02T12:00:00,54.6,54.6,45.2,70.53,0,0,,0,0,17.2,10.3,110,1027.6,90.2,6.2,448,1.6,4,10,Overcast,cloudy,"EGWU,EGLL,D5621,EGLC"

Weather API Pricing

Accurate weather data doesn’t always come with a large price tag. That is why we offer pricing plans for everyone including free options to access the API. Our Metered plan is a pay-as-you-go plan that allows you the flexibility to use our weather data as you need it. For those that prefer monthly or annual subscriptions to the API we also offer a single-user Professional Plan, unlimited Corporate Plan and Enterprise Plans that are custom fit your demands for data size, concurrency or licensing terms. For more information, please see our full pricing information.

Why Choose the Visual Crossing Weather API?

Visual Crossing Weather API is the easiest-to-use and lowest-cost weather API available. Our single-call API provides unified access to historical weather data, current conditions, forecasts, and climate statistics. There is no need to learn multiple API endpoints or make multiple calls to get the data that you need. Our solution is the easiest in the industry providing both a RESTful API or integration into any code or script and our web-based Query Builder to compose queries interactively and download datasets. Whether your use case is adding weather data to application code or simply downloading weather records for analysis, Visual Crossing Weather is the best choice. And if you run into questions or problems, our support team is available to help. In addition, our prices start at free for both commercial and non-commercial use up to 1000 records per day, are only $0.0001 per record for pay-as-you-go access, and are even cheaper as part of a monthly or annual service plan.

However, don’t mistake easy and low cost for simple or cheap. Our rich data catalog provides access to nearly 100 weather elements for every location on the globe over the past fifty years and into the future. To make this accessible, our Weather Engine organizes and processes over one trillion weather records to ensure accurate, high-resolution weather answers to hundreds of millions of queries every day. Every minute, our Weather Engine loads updated conditions from around that world, and our weather database grows by gigabytes every hour to provide every query with the most accurate weather data possible.

Our passion is making the highest-quality weather data accessible to users around the world and helping people easily use that weather data to improve their applications, their decision making, and their lives. Try Visual Crossing Weather for free today and see why more businesses, developers, and analysts choose Visual Crossing.

Why Choose the Visual Crossing Weather API?

JavaScript, Mobile Apps & Web Development

Visual Crossing Weather API requests are RESTful calls that can be made easily from any client or server. The API Key allows weather forecasts and history to be incorporated into any application, website or weather app in a matter of minutes. Simply follow our tutorials and sample code, and get started with entirely free access. Our weather data API allows 1000 completely free weather records per day.

  • Easy integration with JavaScript, D3 & jQuery
  • HTTPS encryption for security and compliance
  • Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS ) for secure cross-domain requests
  • Secure API Key for account protection & tracking
  • Weather Data in GMT or Automatic Time Zone conversion to local time
  • Designed for both client and server usage
  • Enable weather in your application in minutes 

Code in Java, Python, Perl & more

RESTful APIs are ideal for integration in any programming language such as JavaGoogle GoVB.NET C#Python & Perl. Access the entire Visual Crossing Weather database including weather history data, accurate forecasts, air quality data, and real time conditions to make any application more powerful.

Results are available in standard, easy-to-consume data formats including JSON and CSV. Integrating the data into your own app or code project takes only minutes.

  • Full access to historical weather, 15-day weather forecast, and climate statistics
  • Data formats include JSON and CSV
  • Access global weather conditions from the past, present & future with a single call
  • Support for multiple locations and dates in a single request
  • Comprehensive documentation and samples 

Weather Data for Data Science

Use industry standard tools ranging from R and MATLAB to Excel and Power Query. Tutorials and how-to articles are available for these as well as other powerful analytics and business platforms. Whatever tools power your analysis, Visual Crossing’s Weather API integrates easily providing developers the best possible weather information.

Microsoft Power BI

Power BI is an interactive business intelligence tool designed to be simple enough for end users to create their own analyses while being powerful enough for enterprise-wide use. Weather data fits naturally into this analysis framework, and the Visual Crossing Weather makes the integration easy. Our query URLs can return CSV results that import directly into any Power BI report or dashboard.

Business Intelligence Platforms

High-end BI platforms represent the backbone of data analysis within many large and mid-sized companies. These powerful tools can crunch decades of business and external data to find patterns and make recommendations. By seamlessly integrating into BI environments, Visual Crossing Weather can be embedded directly into many business applications.

Google Sheets

Google Sheets has become a universally accessible data analysis application due to the global reach of its web-based platform. That web platform powers instant data sharing in schools, companies, and around the world. Visual Crossing Weather data can be integrated easily into any Google Sheet application using a single API call.

  • Directly load historical and forecast weather data into any Sheet
  • Update live weather results directly in Google Sheets
  • Share weather data analysis instantly around your team or around the world
  • Free for commercial and non commercial use
  • Ideal for academic and education users


An enterprise data warehouse is the heart of data science, machine learning, and business analytics for nearly every large and mid-sized corporation. The power to store vast amounts of business data enables analysts across an organization to work together to make intelligent business decisions. Visual Crossing Weather allows historical weather data, forecasts, and historical forecast data to be loaded into any database or data lake.

Many business activities are affected by weather. Adding weather data to an enterprise data warehouse brings new insight and more ROI from your existing investment.

  • Easily load weather data using ETL and embedded queries
  • Compatible with any database, cloud storage, or data lake
  • Dynamic queries load fresh weather data automatically
  • Power analysts and planners across your entire the enterprise
  • Find new insight from your existing investment

Full Weather API Documentation, sample code and demonstrations